Fantasy sports is your new celebrity ambassador

Get ready for customer engagement through fantasy sports platform

Engagement is a given, revenue a bonus

Gamification methods are endless and sky is the limit. Since millennials are predisposed towards gamification, any type of fantasy games offers long-term engagement & loyal followers of the brand. These games can be offered for not only on sports but also for movies, music, TV, politics, stock market etc.

Gamification techniques like fantasy sports, predictions, quiz games etc can be offered for all industries and domains in a way that these platforms can engage the brand’s target audience throughout the year. This would be a freemium model where entry in any game would be free but when a customer wins, he/she will get rewarded with money, merchandise, gift vouchers etc.

Considerable ROIs

Fantasy platforms are called low-risk investments for a reason. This is because when you invest in building a fantasy gaming platform, you practically build another profitable business. A fantasy sports platform opens up multiple revenue streams that help you get your returns more quickly than your usual marketing investments.

Welcome to the world of fantasy anything!

Fantasy sports make your customers feel important and rewarded. Games built around your brand or product would challenge them, make them feel competitive compel them to share their achievements with other potential customers and give them what they most crave for – dopamine. The objective of your brand should be to make your customers feel good about themselves and fantasy sports do exactly that. Good news is practically every industry today can gamify its product features and build engaging fantasy games.


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    Domain expertise

    Fantasy sports website & app development has been our strength for almost eight years now. We have developed fantasy sports platforms on more than 10 different kind of sports.

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    Specific industries/domains

    We have experience of generating user engagement through fantasy sports for eight different kind of industries like stock-market, politics, eSports, TV shows etc.

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    Industry leading brands as clients

    Vinfotech has worked with industry leading brands such as Arabian Gulf League, Essel group, Spartan Poker, Junglee Games to name a few.

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    Tried & tested engagement techniques

    Vinfotech has delivered successful fantasy gaming products in various domains and industries built on our robust framework.
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    International exposure

    Vinfotech has worked for clients across the globe spanning 20 countries. This gives us a competitive advantage of user understanding in various parts of the world.